Gender Nouns

Neuter & Common Gender Nouns

Neuter Gender Nouns

These are nouns that are neither masculine, nor feminine, eg pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, chair, and table.

Underline all the neuter gender nouns in the following:-

1)  boy                   girl              daddy           book            computer               grandma       (2)

2)  lady                  man              crayon          uncle            aunt                      game            (2)

3)  toy                   king             queen           chips           lion                        lioness         (2)

Common Gender Nouns

These are nouns that could be either masculine, or feminine, eg teacher, child, baby, swimmer, and runner.

Underline the common gender nouns in the following:-

(Watch out for the hard ones!  Remember, even though a waiter is always masculine, and a waitress is always feminine, both doctors and nurses could be either!)

1)  adult                 friend                   waiter                   waitress      pupil            daughter                (3)

2)  jeweller            clogs            bicycle         chemist       nurse           doctor                   (4)

3)  postman            postwoman   sweets         baker          swimmer      lad                         (2)


Neuter Gender Nouns

These are nouns that are neither masculine, nor feminine, eg pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, chair, and table.

Underline all the neuter gender nouns in the following:-

1)  boy                   girl              daddy           book            computer               grandma

2)  lady                  man              crayon          uncle            aunt                      game

3)  toy                   king             queen           chips           lion                        lioness

Common Gender Nouns

These are nouns that could be either masculine, or feminine, eg teacher, child, baby, swimmer, and runner.

Underline the common gender nouns in the following:-

(Watch out for the hard ones!  Remember, even though a waiter is always masculine, and a waitress is always feminine, both doctors and nurses could be either!)

1)  adult                 friend                    waiter                   waitress      pupil            daughter

2)  jeweller            clogs            bicycle         chemist       nurse           doctor

3)  postman           postwoman   sweets         baker          swimmer      lad

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Introduction This course is designed for children of 8 - 10 years old to provide basic knowledge of English to perform in their day toda...